Adam & Ashley got married at The Outing Club in Davenport Iowa
Adam and Ashley were married at The Outing Club in Davenport, Iowa October 2014. This wedding venue is bar far one of my favorite of The Quad City area, as it provides endless opportunity to showcase a wedding. The bride and groom were married during an outdoor ceremony on the front lawn grounds and the reception followed indoors in the grand room of The Outing Club . There was so much I personally loved about this wedding, I don’t know where to begin. From the first kiss dip to the style of the bridesmaid dresses, everything was stylishly done. As I had mentioned in Ashley & Adams engagement blog, Adam and I go all the way back to middle school, so I grew up with many members of the wedding party and even attended college with some of them. It was so much fun to be able to hang out with them for the entire day. Ashley and Adam are such a good looking couple and they are not camera shy at all, so this made for an easy day of breezy photos. I’ll take this wedding again any day. Thank you to Mr. and Mrs. Pagett for allowing City Savvy imaging to capture your wedding.
City Savvy Imaging specializes in the photography of weddings, engagements, families and newborns. We are serving both the Quad City Area as well as Chicago and The Chicagoland areas.
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